Eggs are rich in many nutrients. Whether eaten raw or cooked, they are important to include in a healthy diet. They contain lutein and zeaxanthin, choline, vitamin D, and selenium. They also contain LDL cholesterol, but a recent study shows that eggs may increase large LDL particles and decrease small dense ones, which lowers heart disease risk.

1. High in Protein

Protein is one of the primary building blocks of your body, helping formulate tissues and cells. Getting enough protein in your diet helps build and maintain muscle mass, reduces cravings for junk foods, and supports healthy metabolism and weight loss. Eggs are a rich source of protein, with one medium egg containing about six grams of this macronutrient. They are considered complete proteins, meaning they provide all of the essential amino acids your body cannot make on its own. Eggs are also a good source of vitamin D, which promotes healthy skin and bones.

Eating eggs is also an excellent way to get more choline in your diet. Choline is a nutrient that supports normal liver function and is important for the development of fetal brain tissue. It also helps regulate memory and mood and plays a role in the formation of cell membranes. A deficiency of choline may be linked to certain neurological disorders, including depression.

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Choosing whole eggs over egg whites can help you maximize the amount of protein in your diet. Research has shown that when eaten at breakfast, whole eggs stimulate a higher level of protein synthesis in the muscles than egg whites alone. This effect is partially attributed to the presence of yolks, which contain 40% of an egg’s protein content. [58] Consequently, eating whole eggs at breakfast can significantly improve protein intake in a meal that is typically low in this macronutrient.

2. High in Cholesterol

When it comes to food, eggs are versatile and can be enjoyed in several ways. Whether they are scrambled with toast and bacon for breakfast, hard-boiled on the go as an afternoon snack, or in a Cobb salad for lunch, eggs contain valuable protein, choline, and healthy fats, among other essential nutrients like vitamins A, E, B5, B12 and selenium.

Despite their high cholesterol content, eggs are safe to eat regularly in moderation. This is mainly because of the feedback regulation that occurs in most people, when they consume more dietary cholesterol than usual, their body makes less of it, so eating regular amounts does not have an impact on overall blood cholesterol levels. This is supported by numerous clinical trials that have tracked the cholesterol levels of participants over long periods, including one 88-year-old man who ate up to 30 eggs every day and had normal cholesterol levels.

In addition, studies have found that eating eggs tends to increase levels of large LDL (or “buoyant”) cholesterol particles, rather than small, dense LDL particles, which are thought to be more associated with heart disease risk. It is also worth noting that eggs are rich in vitamin D, which helps to promote heart health by increasing bone density and lowering inflammation.

Eating whole eggs is the best way to get these health benefits since both the white and yolk offer valuable proteins, choline, betaine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, eating a variety of foods with saturated and unsaturated fats can help prevent high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

3. High in Calcium

For decades, people were advised to go easy on eggs because of their cholesterol content. Now, we are learning that yolks are high in healthy nutrients that are good for our health. And the egg white, which is usually discarded, is a rich source of protein. Whether scrambled on toast, hard-boiled as a snack, or tossed in a salad, an egg can provide your body with a boost of the vitamins and minerals you need for good health.

Eating three or more eggs a week has been shown to raise your levels of HDL (the “good”) cholesterol. However, those who have trouble controlling their cholesterol may want to avoid egg yolks and stick with a diet of mostly egg whites.

Eggs are also rich in the nutrient choline, which plays an important role in brain function. It is involved in the production of DNA and ensures proper methylation, detoxification, and nerve signaling. Eggs are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D, which works with calcium to promote bone health. And since November is Osteoporosis Month, it’s a great time to consider adding a couple of eggs to your daily diet.

An average egg contains 6 grams of protein, with all nine essential amino acids that your body cannot make. It’s also a good source of vitamin A, iron, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, and zinc. It’s also low in sodium and saturated fat, and it’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, it contains high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are powerful antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in older adults. And if you choose to buy pasteurized eggs, be sure to check the label to be sure they contain no Salmonella.

4. Low in Calories

Eggs have gotten a bad rap because of their cholesterol content, but they are not as unhealthy as many people think. A whole egg contains about 78 calories, 6 grams of fat, and 6 grams of protein, as well as vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, choline, and other trace nutrients. Choline is a nutrient that helps to keep the brain healthy and helps the body make energy, and it is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

One of the great things about eggs is that they have low levels of both saturated and unsaturated fat. This is a good thing because unsaturated fats are the kind that experts recommend you eat. Eating a high-protein food like an egg for breakfast will help you feel full for longer and may stop you from snacking later on in the day.

Another important nutrient found in eggs is selenium, which supports healthy immune system function and is important for the formation of thyroid hormones. Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant.

Eating eggs will also increase your HDL or “good” cholesterol levels, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease. However, be sure to eat them in moderation because eating too many eggs can raise your total cholesterol level.

5. Low in Fat

Eggs are a delicious breakfast, lunch, or snack that is easy to prepare. They are also a good source of protein and contain only 80 calories per serving. In addition, eggs have low levels of fat. They are also high in nutrients and minerals. They are a great choice for those who need to lose weight or maintain their current weight. Eating eggs for breakfast may help people eat fewer calories at lunch and throughout the day.

While egg whites have little dietary cholesterol, the yolk is rich in several vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin A, which helps the immune system and eyesight, and three different B vitamins that are essential for the healthy functioning of all systems in the body. Choline is another important nutrient found in eggs. This nutrient is needed for brain function and may help prevent age-related memory loss.

The satiety factor of eggs is also important to consider. They are more filling than carbohydrates and are a healthy choice for people who need to manage their weight or blood sugar levels. Some studies have even found that people who eat eggs for breakfast feel fuller than those who eat other types of breakfast foods.

As food prices continue to rise, it is important to find ways to reduce your grocery bill without sacrificing nutrition. Eggs are a relatively inexpensive protein food and provide all nine of the essential amino acids, which your body cannot make itself. You can eat them scrambled, poached, or hard-boiled, and add a variety of spices, vegetables, and herbs to make them more interesting. They can be eaten as breakfast, lunch, or snack and can be added to salads and other dishes.