Want a Good Quality Score? Perfect the Post-click Experience

by techwole
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Your advertising performance will be greatly influenced by their Quality Score. The higher your quality score and the more likely it is that someone will see and click your ad, the more relevant your ad is to your target demographic. In other words, Quality Score assesses if you are communicating with the appropriate audience at the appropriate moment.

Increasing your landing page’s Quality Score is one of the finest strategies to increase it across various advertising platforms. In this article, we’ll talk about how the post-click landing page experience affects your Quality Score on each platform and how you can raise it overall. Let’s start by exploring why Quality Score is crucial for advertising.

Although “Quality Score” is the term used by most ad platforms, other platforms may use “Ad Relevance,” “Ad Score,” or another term of a similar nature. Unless otherwise specified, the terms Quality Score and these other concepts are used synonymously in this article.

What is Quality Score, and why is it important?

Based on how relevant they are to your target demographic, Quality Score provides an estimate of how well your advertising will perform.

Scores are given a number between one and 10, with ten representing the best score. When your ad, keyword, and landing page have a high Quality Score, they are relevant to your audience, however when they have a low Quality Score, they are not.

To give people a fantastic user experience, search engines and social media ad platforms seek to display only relevant advertising to them. The Quality Score is used to choose which ads to display and to calculate the cost per click or impression.

Quality Score was first introduced by Google Ads. Numerous other advertising platforms quickly adopted the same ideas, though they did so with a different methodology and lingo. Post-click landing pages are one of the major factors in campaign relevancy and one of the simplest parts to regulate, but each platform has its own unique take on the idea, so they each adopt a nuanced approach to them.

Post-click landing pages can improve relevance and Quality Score, lower cost per click, and enhance conversion rates when designed with quick page loads, device compatibility, and an overall positive user experience. Let’s examine more closely how this is accomplished on various ad platforms.

How post-click pages impact Quality Score on different ad platforms

Google Ads

Ads, keywords, and landing pages are the three areas that Google examines in order to advise advertisers on how to modify their campaigns.

Google’s Quality Score is influenced by three things:

  1. Click-through rate anticipated
  2. Ad utility
  3. Experience with landing pages

When incorporating them into the Quality Score formula, Google gives each of these considerations a different weight. Ad relevancy is less important than anticipated click-through rate and landing page experience:

Google considers the following elements when evaluating the landing page experience:

  • How helpful, pertinent, and distinctive is the information on your landing page?
  • How trustworthy and open is it?
  • Whether it is usable and mobile-friendly
  • Your site’s speed and landing page loading

View this Skubana advertisement, which probably has a high Quality Score:

  • The ad is extremely relevant to the search query thanks to exact matching keywords in the headline and extra matching keywords in the description.
  • On the post-click landing page, the advertisement is seamlessly carried over.
  • Ad and landing page titles that are nearly identical demonstrate relevance
  • Visitors stay on the page and remain focused on the objective with just one conversion goal and no other links.
  • Numerous cooperating CTA buttons (also known as anchor links) give prospects several opportunities to quickly and easily fill out the form.
  • A lot of social proof (reviews and company logos) increases the credibility of the page and brand.
  • Visually compelling content that is well-organized conveys the idea in a way that is understandable and straightforward.

Microsoft Advertising

Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising Quality Score are very similar. It also evaluates the effectiveness of your ads, keywords, and landing sites using three criteria:

Expected (above, above, or below normal) click-through rate

(Above average, average, or below average) Ad relevance

Experience with the landing page (above, within, or below average)

Similar to Google, Microsoft’s landing page experience score indicates the likelihood that visitors to your landing page will have a positive experience after clicking your ad. In contrast to Google, Microsoft makes it clear that the success of your landing page depends on how frequently visitors abandon it soon after coming.

Here is a Propertybase illustration that most likely has a high Microsoft Advertising Quality Score:

  • In the ad’s headline and description, the precise search term “real estate website templates” is mentioned, demonstrating its relevance to the user.
  • The page’s headline contains words like “real estate” and “websites”
  • Visitors are kept on the page and concentrated on the conversion objective with just one offer or CTA.
  • Prospects are given multiple opportunities to swiftly and easily complete the form at the bottom of the page by a variety of collaborating CTA buttons (also known as anchor links).
  • As social proof, testimonials and brand logos persuade potential customers to take advantage of the promotion.
  • Visuals, bulleted lists, bold type, colour contrast, and other elements help to organise the content well.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook’s version of Quality Score is called Ad Relevance Diagnostics, formerly known as Ad Relevance Score. This statistic aids marketers in determining the audience relevance of their advertising and determines whether audience targeting, post-click landing page experience, or creative asset modifications could enhance performance.

The diagnostics evaluate each ad’s historical effectiveness in the ad auction using the following metrics:

Quality Ranking: a measure of how well-liked your advertisement is compared to others vying for the same audience.

How your ad’s anticipated engagement rate compares to other ads vying for the same audience is known as engagement rate ranking.

Conversion Rate Ranking: How your ad’s anticipated conversion rate compares to other ads vying for the same audience with the same optimisation aim.

Unlike Google and Microsoft, Facebook does not include the landing page experience in their calculation; nonetheless, when describing how to use Ad Relevance Diagnostics, it makes reference to the post-click landing page. As a result, you must continue to optimise your post-click landing pages to accurately portray your business, your goods, and your services as well as to abide by Facebook’s advertising policies:

  • Make sure the material is clear and that the website is simple to browse.
  • Make sure the content of the page is pertinent to your advertisement. Coordinate the branding (feel, appearance, and style) of the advertisement and the landing page.
  • Avoid content with little unique content, poor quality, or that is hard to obtain.
  • Don’t include too many embedded or pop-up adverts.
  • Don’t use excessively cropped ad images or other bait to get people to click on your advertising.

See how HubSpot’s Facebook ad campaign follows compliance:

  • The primary offer is plain to see in both places.
  • The post-click page is identical to the ad in terms of the offer, colours, keywords, etc.
  • The text is easy to understand, well-organized, and navigate.
  • A superb user experience is offered by the click-through format.
  • Several conversion opportunities are offered by multiple cooperative CTA buttons.

Post-click landing pages affect pre-click performance

All ad platforms assess relevance, whether or not they explicitly take landing pages into account when calculating quality scores. Every post-click landing page experience must be customised because high relevance and a wonderful user experience result from focusing on a single conversion goal.

With the help of Instapage’s Thor Render Engine, you can produce personalised post-click landing pages that load quickly. Request an Instapage Enterprise Demo to see this in action and begin your path to receiving high Quality Scores across all ad platforms.

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